Tuesday, January 6, 2009

He Doesn't Do the Little things....

This new guy doesn't do the little things. He hasn't driven to Enumclaw 1,000 times, bought me roses because I was having a bad day, or come to my work just to tip. He hasn't picked me up at 4am on a dark corner in the ghetto of Tukwila just because I asked him to, or lent me Jordan shorts, or met my mom. He hasn't rented movies for me, and then not gotten mad when they came up late on his bill, made omelets for me, and sat on the floor during dinner because we sold all of our furniture. He hasn't walked my dog, raced hondas with me, or been to IHOP with me at 1am. Or bought me Adidas and sushi, introduced me to his whole family. He didn't sneak into the apartment complex pool with me, or hide in the tanning room to make out, text me 100 times a day and leave me sweet voice mails pertaining to my vegetarianism. He never gets competitive with me, cracks my back, or offers to count my tips after work. He's never kissed my skin and told me I tasted like coffee.

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