Sunday, September 14, 2008

Life In Apartments...

Any one that hasn't lived in an apartment should never complain about their neighbors. Its' intolerable. Oh your next-house neighbors were out barbequeing on a saturday night and disturbed your
Pampered Chef party? My neighbors boned, skinned and fried their own salmon on their patio directly below me.
The amount of disruptions living in apartments is AMAZING.
24 hours a day, everyday of the year.
Even as i TRY to focus and write, my wannabe wigger neighbor has been BLASTING "Got Money" By Lil wayne for the last hour. Maybe this is just his outlet of being sheltered in this pitiful town his whole life.
Anyways, During my last experience living in a house, my biggest complaint was the barking of two small dogs in the late afternoons. Hmmmm now it would probably be the couple that beats the shit out of eachother every week or the rancid smell of the Indian and Chineese food combination that seeps through these thin walls.
I'm thinking of ways to seek my revenge on these horrific people.
I already do laundry at midnight, allow my door to slam on its own, and turn up the bass in my car stereo when leaving for work at 5am.
I feel like once again my geographical location is wearing down on my artistic abilities.

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