Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I love Pamela Anderson.

My faith in women to overcome the stigma that is connected to our underestimated confidence grows fainter with every passing day, every day wasted complaining. Complaining about how fat, ugly, dumb we are. Blaming the media for our low self esteem and codependent relationships with our cats that we call children. I would like to think that after all of the struggle, monotony, and disrespect women have suffered throughout the years, minute complications such as cankles and love handles would become obsolete to the happiness of women as a whole.
I have become tiresome, hearing, seeing, reading about women that complain about the physical ideal that is impossible to achieve in "our society". We speak of our society as if it were some vile hell hole, only breeding women to make them unhappy. But I am not doubting the presence of said ideal, but it's relevance to women's lives.
" To be considered beautiful we have to be skinny, tall and blonde."
With every decade, our society endures several meaningless fads. As a result, sex icons, fashion icons, people that represent a generation are born. For whatever reason, things become sexy. Unlike many fads, the blonde, busty bimbo has been a sex symbol for decades. Marylin Monroe, Mae West, Madonna, Pamela Anderson, Jessica Simpson. These women represent over seventy years of the same beauty ideal.
With this seventy years of the same ideal, one would think that an Americanized woman born into American society would be able to cope with the pressure to be beautiful.
You've known what the majority of men have wanted you to look like since you were born.
Typically in fads, there are the people that give in, and those that rebel.
How do you rebel against a fad that has been alive for seven decades?
You don't, try self-acceptance.
The ideal you are expected to achieve is in your eyes.
Like that one saying, the beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

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